Shipping info

We strive to ship your items as fast as we can and for the lowest price possible.

Please Email us to get a Shipping Rate.
We will need the following details:

Postal code?
Commercial or Residential Address?
Forklift onsite or Power tailgate needed?

We have Accounts with Ace Courier, Diamond Delivery, Bandstra Transport, Overland West, Day and Ross, and Manitoulin Transport to get you the lowest price on shipping. If you wish to arrange your own shipping we offer free drop off to any courier depo in the Fraser Valley.

Oversized items that don’t fit on the Power Tailgate require you to have a forklift or equivalent machine on-site to offload, otherwise you will be required to pickup from the nearest courier depo. 
Some over height and oversized items are too large to fit in delivery cube vans and must be picked up from couriers depo.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding shipping.